
Someone near and dear to me is exercising their right to vote in ways that truly point to "change". Casting a vote for a third party. Possibly a write-in!


Perhaps not as big a gasp as the one that would escape the lips of my Christian brethren when they learn that I'm voting for a baby-killing Socialist, but a gasp nonetheless. I do not intend to write a lengthy blog on why I support Obama, as my views are most certainly in the minority among Christians. It's pointless, really. If you want a summary that jibes with my point-of-view, read.......

I listened to Obama's interview with Rick Warren again this past weekend. I liked what he said about being a follower of Jesus-"I have to get out of my own way." I hope he honors that mantra as President.

While I support Obama on many fronts, I feel his very expensive campaign is nonetheless guilty of ugliness, of smear tactics and negativity, perhaps as bad as McCain's. I'm fed up with both parties, frankly. So, the loved one I mentioned, who is also fed up, has decided to "throw away her vote" as two of her friends exclaimed last month when she announced her plans.

Going for an alternate candidate of any stripe is a vote nonetheless. An exercising of a right. How does "change" really happen? In one fell swoop? Sometimes a revolution or coup does occur overnight, but mostly bit by bit. If enough people vote Green, Independent, Libertarian, or even for a Republican or Democrat not on the ticket, perhaps a message will be sent. Perhaps we won't have to hear people say they are voting for the "lesser of two evils" anymore.

We may not live to see this "change." But I hope enough people act on their hearts, and vote for whom they feel would govern most effectively, and especially not feel bullied by their peers, political party, or church in any way. Maybe someday a third party will be a contender after all. The idea, to me, is progression. Might've sounded funny to people once upon a time when someone saw a future where women and minorities could actually vote, too.


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