Remembering 97 GTR

Back in the late 80s/'90 I often found myself laying rubber to the guitar and metal crunch of Miami's WGTR 97.3 FM. It was an Album Oriented Rock (AOR) station in a market already crowded with 'em. 97 GTR focused more on the rock of the day than obscure Crosby, Stills, & Nash like competitor Zeta 4, though. Along with the expected hair band fluff of Warrant and Poison, GTR played Joe Satriani and even Donald Fagen and Midge Ure tracks.

The music suited me, but it was the station's personalities who made it so much fun. Herman and McBean (formerly of competitor 103 SHE) did the morning show. It was actually funny. Steve Stansell, a very personable sounding guy, did evenings. Scott "Guitar Balls" Chapin lent his voice to just about everything (and guaranteed you've heard him somewhere, as he's done spots and voiceovers for many TV and radio stations around the country). GTR portrayed a party atmosphere that was infectious, and evident at the remotes they did in Dade and Broward counties (occasionally southern Palm Beach, too). Crazy contests, song parodies, practical jokes (they hyped and simulcast a fantasy superconcert with the driving directions which, if followed exactly, would've led you smack in the middle of the Atlantic). I also recall an event where eveyone met in the paking lot of a Sound Advice and cranked Guns 'N' Roses' "Paradise City" simultaneously to see who had the best (or least distorted) car stereo unit.

In the same North Bay Village (off the 79th Street Causeway) building as GTR was AM talk station WIOD, and I also listened to host Neil Rogers in those days. During his show, Neil would stop and remark that the walls of his studio would rumble due to the music and Lord knows what else was going on in the GTR studios next door. It was like a scene out of that film FM (scroll back for review). Somtims GTR jocks would stop in and chat with Neil, too. As a side note, Rogers passed away in Dec. 2010. I posted an entry about him a year and a half or so before. He was quite the personality himself, so having him tangentially involved in the GTR nonsense just made it all the more fun.

It all sounds dumb, I realize. Many stations, even today, don the infantile act, but GTR was something different. It was a nice alternative to the self-importance, relentless self-promotion of so many radio stations (FM and AM) at the time. It somehow made you feel like you were part of it, not just some anonymous listener. It was one of the last stations I heard that so prominently featured "personalities", DJs who actually added to the mix, rather than just being annoying voices that talked all over your music. Those who grew up in generations past really got to experience radio stations as more of an art form. I wish I had been old enough to appreciate it. Those who were might've felt GTR was already a corporate compromise, but I felt it was something cool. Yes, I was in my late teens/early 20s, but still.

These days, radio has largely become consolidated, lifeless shlock (the music and the DJ banter). Clear Channel and other behemoths have drained the life away, and housed many stations on the same floor in various buildings. I got to visit a local industrial park last year where one of my patients, a DJ and tinnitus sufferer, worked. We played around with a mixer and spectral analyzer to suss out various narrow bands of noise for him to listen to on his iPod. Very cool night. But it also allowed me to see that several local radio stations were all just a door away from each other.

One of the most memorable of the GTR DJs was Patty Murray, who did drive time broadcasts (3-7 weekdays). Her energy and appreciation of even the most ridiculous tracks (like Sam Kinison's cover of "Wild Thing") made for fun listening. Sadly, she died in a car wreck in 1989, on a day I still remember so clearly. The way the normally raucous station handled this tragic news was tasteful, approriately reverant, yet the spirit of the station was never morose. Patty would've wanted it that way. Shortly after, a CD featuring several of 97 GTR's song spoofs was compiled, with proceeds going to the Make A Wish Foundation. I never got to purchase one.

About a month ago, the GTR page on Facebook announced that a box of these CDs had been found in Chapin's (now living in Wisconsin) garage. Again, proceeds from the $10 discs would go to Make A Wish in Patty's honor. I got one and experienced that rush one gets when hearing something familiar for the first time in many years. Patty herself sang "Bimbo Rock", a knock-off of that old limbo song. Other tracks take potshots at Jim Bakker and Sylvester Stallone, both dubious 80s icons, of course. "Bowling with a Turkey" is a wildly silly but well produced take on CCR's "Proud Mary". The disc also contains the infamous "Jamaican Bobsled" and National Condom Week tunes, as well as the theme song for the "Home Invasions", where listeners would win contests to have the DJs crash their houses at 6 in the morning with a whole bunch of ruckus. Imagine living next door to a winner! Van Halen's "Eruption" vibrating your windows.

Listening to this disc put me right back in my old '86 Chevy Cavalier, rockin' out while driving to Palm Beach Atlantic College. Those were good times. But, in May of 1990, 97 GTR went dark. After the last rebel yells, the safer sounds of "the 70s, 80s, and today" suddenly filled the air: The Coast was born. I also clearly recall driving home from school and wondering what in the heck Michael Jackson and Swing Out Sister were doing where Rush and The Cult belonged. You know the story; the Arbitron ratings weren't favorable. Three rock stations were perhaps one too many for the market. I wish I could hear tapes of the last several hours of 97 GTR. An article I read stated that management told the jocks they could play whatever they wanted that final afternoon, as long as they didn't rip on their bosses. Would be pretty historic to hear, hours that could also be analyzed as some of the last of Old Radio itself......


Elier Ramirez saidā€¦
Hello... I remember well the grand old days of WGTR. I was one of the lucky ones that had by luck (if you can call it that) Bought one of the CDs with all the great songs mentioned in this article. Sadly I loaned it to one of my friends and I guess he liked it so much I never got it back. So today I long to hear those great tunes again and I would give anything to get my hands on a download site or the original CD itself. If you can heip in any way I will be forever greatful..... Thanks.... Elier
redeyespy saidā€¦
Hi, Elier,

I tried sending you an e-mail but it kept bouncing back.

Thanks for posting. Are you on Facebook? Scott Chapin is selling the CDs for $10. Go to the Rock and Roll Animals 97 GTR page, "like" it, and you'll see the details. Let me know. If you have any trouble, I can buy another one and ship it to you...

Anonymous saidā€¦
@Elier.. I too remember those good ole days of 97GTR. Lived in Key Largo since 1970...
Blue Cow Dog saidā€¦
I am trying to find their facebook page and can not. Are the discs still available??? Please let me know

Thank you

Blue Cow Dog saidā€¦
sorry i forgot my email address.

Thank you very much.
redeyespy saidā€¦
Tina: The group is called 97GTR Rock and Roll Animals. There were 10 discs left in August, so I'm not sure of the status...
Blue Cow Dog saidā€¦
Thank You. I found it and they still had some on ebay. I got one. THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous saidā€¦
I still have this C.D. And for a small fee for burning and a disc with sleeve I can get one to anybody who wants it! U MUST pay the shipping and packing fee also. It will be under $10 for all!
Anonymous saidā€¦
I still have this C.D. & for a small fee I can burn it to a new disc, give tracks of song names and provide a sleeve to whom ever wants it! You MUST pay for packing & shipping also but the total will be under $10.00 for all. Email me at or call me at 352-493-4618.
Glitzy saidā€¦
I loved this station. I fondly remember the Home Invasions and most of the DJs. I still own this CD.
Michael Mark saidā€¦
Greetings one and all!

Just found this blog while scanning the net for an online version of "Bowling With A Turkey" (from 'Yatta, Yatta, Yatta') to share with a friend who is actually turkey bowling for charity today.

I'm "Madman Mike", one of the original Rock 'N' Roll Animals of the hey-day of 97GTR. Some of you may know me as 'Stinky' as Herman & McBean more commonly referred to me as. lol As King of the "Kong Krew" and the primary driver of the infamous 97GTR Ford Aerostar van, I attended the vast majority of station events.

Certainly glad to be amongst fellow fans and friends of the station! Would love to hear some more stories of the good ol' days of GTR .. They rekindle some incredible memories.
Unknown saidā€¦
Me too was so awesome!!!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Does anyone know where I can get the lyrics for the Jamaican Bobsled song on that CD?

devius saidā€¦
I still have my CD. I was remember when I got it they did not put the La Bomba interpretation song. They made a big deal about the Jamaican Bobsled long before Cool Runnings. I remember the "Bad Office Memo" that became The Rubber Song.
Unknown saidā€¦
Hey Madman Mike...I remember you. I moved to Fort Lauderdale from New Orleans in 1988, and all I listened to was GTR. You guys were awesome !! Having just moved to FL, you and the morning crew made me feel at home. One of my fondest memories was with Patty Murray. GTR was doing some radio event and promoting something. I was there with some friends and Patty was the life of the party. I remember her wearing a candy necklace and if she liked you, she let you have a piece of candy from her necklace. Of course by the end of the night it was nothing but a string haha. That coming weekend I tuned in to GTR. The morning crew was crying on the radio talking about Patty Murray's memorial....I couldn't believe it, but it was true. Thank you and the morning crew and everyone at that station forgive me such a fond memory even today, years later. I came across your blog and I just wanted to reply. Fond memories...thanks bro !!
Madman Mike saidā€¦
Heya Tommy!! Sorry it took so long to reply, but life happens! lol The memories of my time at 97GTR are as vivid as the days I lived them. I think about Patty all the time. Glad the station has great memories for you as well. Make sure to look up the Facebook group, 97GTR ROCK AND ROLL ANIMALS and join in on the conversation. Rock On Always!!
Anonymous saidā€¦
WOW Just read your post of 97GTR.
Very well outlined, and worded quite eclectic.
Reading your post reminded me of WSHE Miami Ft Lauderdale.
SHE Radio is broadcasting on the internet and I have not yet found 97GTR on internet.

Yes, I--Too have the GTR Parody CD, but I wont sell it, burn it, distribute nor traffic the content in any way shape or form.
Although, Everyone is happy-giddy-excited on the subject of hearing the CD after many years have passed by, and Fun It Certainly is..

I Will Clearly Spell This Out...

Anonymous saidā€¦
Lopez you dont seem too bright..
How much are you willing to spend?
Unknown saidā€¦
hey guys, do any of you remember the bear man?(what do you say guys) that was his tagline. great music and times...
Yes indeed pal
Sure I remember the hear man
I used To hear those great stuff in Cuba Back on 87 I I think
Good times and good music as well.
Anonymous saidā€¦
It was 1987
Anonymous saidā€¦
Madman Mike; I'm having a debate with Jerry (Race) about one of the girls. We agree on Patty Murray but having trouble with the other. I'm thinking Judy T(?). What say you? Thanks
Unknown saidā€¦
I was at one of the home invasions. I was 12. And it was at my house. I rememberherman and bcbean very well
Anonymous saidā€¦
I lived in Indy for about two years in the mid 80's, the Bear man was the afternoon drive guy at WFBQ in Indy during that time. This was when Bob and Tom was just a local show in Indy. I was quite surprised to here the Bear man once again, this time in the Miami market. I was living in Stuart Fl. at the time about 80 miles north and could pick up the station,
Adrian saidā€¦
At the moment I am 46 years old and I live in homestead Florida I came to live here 5 years ago but since I was a child and lived in the city of CamagĆ¼ey Cuba I listened to this station above all I liked to listen to songs from the Canadian group rush my cassettes were recorded with songs from This station that was heard in CamagĆ¼ey few times a year But I was always looking to check the FM to see if it was heard because the signal only entered when there was an atmospheric phenomenon called high pressures and when that happened, the FM band always happened to all the stations From south Florida they entered Cuba and this is the case until today, at that time there was no internet and when the stations from south Florida entered Cuba for me that was a holiday because you could also watch some channels of television but above all this station I listened to it for many years until it changed to the other contemporary music station, if you want you can look on the map so that you can see They see where the city of CamagĆ¼ey is in Cuba and from there I listened to them And not only I but there were other young people who liked the same music and knew the station
Francisco Cartagena saidā€¦
Back on those days I was student at UM. I went for the weekend to Naples, when entering Miami i tuned in 97.3 and was shoked to hear pop music on my radio station. On monday I called the station to hear the sad news about a format change
Evan Turnau N.T.S. saidā€¦
OK folks! I was just at the Vintage Guitar Show in Asheville NC and I spotted a relic from our past! I wish there was a post photos. Does any one remember a 97 GTR Guitar? I found it. It's 6 feet long and the station logo without the monkey. But it's a working guitar built into the logo. The headstock says Designed by Paragon Music inc. Its called the Nitro. I've got photos if anyone is intrested.
flasteve1957 saidā€¦
Although the ship may have sailed on the availability of the disc Rock N Roll Animals, I am clearing out the remainder of my personal cd's that I don't listen to anymore. Rather than putting it on ebay, I would rather just get the $10 plus shipping ($4) and be done with it possibly here. Seems that this would be the best way.

I sure miss those FM broadcasts back in the day from Gusman Hall and other venues. Was truly sad when both GTR and SHE went down the toilet.
Music from the 60's and 70's will always remain my faves.

God Bless,
Steve (
Brad saidā€¦
I have had these as MP3s since the beginning of that format, and cassette brie that... I still have this album in my collection and love playing it now and then
Mp saidā€¦
Any chance anyone has the make a wish cd for sale? Reading up on my favorite station from my youth brings back memories. Thank you.
Mp saidā€¦
Any chance of getting a 97 gtr make a wish cd?
flasteve1957 saidā€¦
$10 plus $5 USPS Ground Advantage Tracked. Via Paypal Friends and Family. USA NO APO or FPO.

write me @
Anonymous saidā€¦
There's a copy of the disc on youtube -

I miss 97GTR, the station had such a fun vibe.

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