Horror Month '24

You know what time it is.  Stop pretending you weren't counting the days and months until my blog again filled on up with movies to make your skin crawl.   Here again is Horror Month.  Each October is dedicated solely to this genre, though the ever present debate as to what is a "horror movie" versus a "thriller" could be applied to many of these.  Some of 'em may cause you to react like the young ladies seen above.  Is this your cup of hemlock?

Good! This go 'round we have a rather creative slasher, sci-fi horror, the best reason ever to stay out of the water, classic horror villains, an impressively retro ode to '70s supernatural horror, a glam horror take on a musical, a creepy yet cheesy first stab from a director who would go on to great acclaim, holiday themed horror, a gratuitous sequel, and a long delayed but inspired sequel.  A few I'm sure you've never heard of and at least one you definitely have.  A jam packed thirty-one days.

So grab that fleece blanket and cider and kill the lights, invisible audience.  Are you ready?


Anonymous said…
Happy Holidays!
redeyespy said…
You never disappoint! Strap on your Jason mask and enjoy!

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