Mic Tap, Summer 2011

Still with me, invisible audience? I'm never quite sure. Well...I am aware of 2-3 regular readers who are friends. Also, Google Stats displays, per geographic region, browser, and device, that several people have at least looked at my posts. But who among those followed from my very first post in 2007, "Point A"? I re-read those early posts occasionally. I was a Johnny-Come-Lately blogger, unsure where any of it would lead. In four years, I see I've amassed a collection of movie reviews. Mainly. There is the occasional real life report, some music appreciation, links to videos, silly comics. The first year and a half of Lamplight Drivel was filled with fewer overall but more personal entries. I've gone far afield, but I try to steer things back on course here and there. My understanding of "blog" involves the recounting of one's doings. There are, as you know, many, many blogs that don't tell an iota of data on the bloggers themselves. Specialty blogs cover all sorts of topics. I consider those "columns" more than "blogs".

But I know that "blog" is defined differently among the populace. With that, I don't foresee any radical changes to LD. There will still be a plethora of film rants. I might sometimes address "important" topics if I'm so inclined, at a loss for something else to write, or seriously bored. Ah yes, I must also continue the audiology series. I would also like to have more science related posts. The arts and science are the things I think on most because they are dynamic, with new discoveries and achievements almost daily. Politics doesn't earn prime real estate in my brain. It's a stagnant, frustrating, and damn near worthless (yet paradoxically quite vital) subject that never changes. Or, its just the same only cyclical thing. Obviously, I stay aware of the republic and the other continents' machinations, but to pontificate on or even devote too much valuable time to watching the news is increasingly pointless. Be aware, not immersed. Does that seem shallow? It was never my intention to make this a blog a depository for anything profound or intellectually stimulating. Perhaps a bit of fugitive insightfulness may leak out occasionally. Purely accidental, I assure you. When in doubt, recheck the title of this blog. In any event, I'll report that Summer 2011 has been quite pleasant. Caseload at work has dropped dramatically, as it is expected to in the summertime in S. Florida. 

This year, it was a steep decline within a shorter window than last year. One week, the snowbirds were still showing up without appointments. The very next week (and since), there are large gaps in my schedule. It is a nice break. My wife and I carpooled with friends to central Fl. for the July 4th weekend. One of those friends was a college chum of my wife's in undergrad, and we met another one in Clermont, where her family lives (my wife's friend lives in San Diego). Clermont has special memories that will be addressed in a future PBA posting, and being there for the second summer in a row still makes me feel funny. We also hung in Mount Dora, lunching at an English establishment called the Windsor Rose Tea Room. We put on silly hats and had a great lunch (plus ale, of course). A platter of scones and crustless sandwiches started things off nicely. Later, a ramshackle tiki bar in Clermont was a nice scene for dinner and watching early amateur fireworks. This place looked liked someone's rundown backyard with a dock attached. As casual as it could possibly be. Great burgers and I can't remember the last time I washed down tater tots with beer. On July 4th, we went up Hwy 27 again to Tavares for a picnic at Wooten Park. Lots of food vendors and families. An awesome mini water park there was enjoyed by my wife's friend's children and many others. 

We were almost home when...I got rear ended on I-95 as I was ironically slowing down in the left lane due to another accident ahead. I was not a head on collision, but rather a hard swipe against the driver's side tail light and wheel well. The other driver jumped out and immediately stated that we did not have to call the police and that his brother-in-law owned a body shop. Uh huh. He also seemed rather, out there. Maybe not inebriated exactly, but definitely impaired. Once he realized we were not just going to "play ball", he went back and sat in his car. We watched as he unsuccessfully tried to meet a lighter with his cigarette. The fire department came first and after checking in with us and asking the "are you OK" questions, they spent quite a while questioning the other guy. A state trooper soon arrived and after HE spent awhile with the guy he informed us that "this guy's on something". Long story short, the guy was taken to the hospital. We found out later that he was arrested and released some hours later. My wife's car was fortunately still driveable. At the time of this writing, it is being repaired. Thank the Lord everyone was unhurt and the Honda hybrid is on the mend. Otherwise, a quiet summer. I'll take it. See you for the next occasional update! Uh, save me the aisle seat?!


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