One Week

..until Thanksgiving. Unbelievable. It was just summertime!

Tonight I was quite productive: paid bills, stuffed envelopes filled with promotional materials for work, ironed, washed clothes. Thursday fodder.

My grandmother called. Mom is continuing to have a rough time at the nursing facility. Yes, I know, I haven't addressed that. I could do a whole blog on that subject. Basically, my mother was admitted to the hospital on 2/10 this year with a serious sacral decubitis. She was in the hospital for almost 2 months. She had multiple surgeries, including a colostomy. She then began what has been an agonizing (for her and her family) journey to rehabilitation. She was bedridden for so long that her learning to walk, heck, STAND is an arduous chore. It is a day by day thing. I know I always say this, but, more on all of this later....

Time for some green tea. 'night.


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